Trove Tuesday: What an account! The deaths and funerals of two ladies of Boolaroo

1922 'Family Notices.', Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , 28 December, p. 4, viewed 20 January, 2015,


The death occurred on the 12th instant, at her late residence, Fifth-street, Boolaroo of Mrs. Ann Jamieson, wife of Mr. An- drew Jamieson, after an illness of ten weeks' duration. The deceased, who was 83 years of age, was a native of London, England, and arrived in Australia sixty years ago, and for the past 24 years had resided in Boolaroo. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. R. Kernohan, of Brisbane. The funeral took place from her late residence on Tuesday last, and was largely attended, the inter- ment being in the Presbyterian portion of the Sandgate cemetery, where the Rev. Mr. Barratt conducted a service. The pall-bearers were Messrs. A. E. Webster, A. Telfar, A.R. Young, and J. Worthin- ton, all members of the Boolaroo School of Arts. Wreaths were sent by Mr. Haynen, Mr. and Mrs. R. McKay and family, Mrs. Burgin, senr., Mr. and Mrs. H. Burton, Mrs. and Mrs. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pugh and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Garfoot, Mrs. Field, members of Boolaroo School of Arts, Mr. and Mrs. C. d'Tate and family, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. J. Denney, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Erick- son and family. 

The death took place on Wednesday last, at her late residence, Second-street, Boolaroo, of Mrs. Eliza Bull, wife of Mr. Thomas Bull. The deceased, who was 65 years of age, was in her usual good health during the day, and had on the previous day attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jamieson, but on Wednesday evening she was taken ill and expired suddenly, the cause of death being heart failure. She was horn in Shepparton, England, and had been 20 years a resident of Boolaroo, and had taken an active interest in the local Methodist Church. The funeral, which took place on Friday last from her late residence, was largely attended, a short service being conducted at the home by Mr. H. Bull (Salvation Army). The interment took place in the Methodist portion of the Wallsend cemetery, where the Rev. Trevor Hughes conducted the burial service. The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. Bull, A. Bull, H. Bull, and J. Weatherstone, all relatives of the deceas- ed. She is survived by her husband, two sons (Messrs. W. Bull, Boolaroo, and A. Bull, Leichhardt, Sydney), and one daughter (Mrs. L. Pannell, Leichhardt). One daughter (Mrs. Geo. Woodlands) pre- deceased her at Boolaroo fifteen years ago. Wreaths were sent by her husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wardley, senr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Weatherstone, junr., Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaw and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wil- liams and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cressy and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pugh and family, Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. A. Jamieson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe and family, Jack and Amy Weatherston, Mrs. Dodds and family, daughter, son, and Tom and Dorrie, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster, Bub and Jim, loving son and daughter-in- law, Ronnie and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer, loving grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rinker. senr., Mr. and Mrs. W. Rin- ker, junr., Dave Spinks and George Per- kins, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Young, Mr. H. Johnston and Peter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. Burgin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stone, Mrs. E. Skelton and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. McKay and fam- ily, Mrs. F. Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Skelton, son, daughter-in-law, and Arthur.  

The second deceased lady, Mrs Eliza Bull (nee Golding), is my third great aunt. Her husband, Thomas Bull, is brother to my third great grandmother, Amy Rosetta Bull. I came across this article when looking for WARDLEY mentions in the Newcastle Herald - and with this account of two funerals, I hit the jackpot. There are no fewer than six of my direct ancestors mentioned!

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