My First Family History Conference

So, I have registered to attend my first family history conference! Exciting times.

I only joined SAG recently, after umming and ahhing about it for a while (like, YEARS). For me, it was always a question of being able to find the time to use the resources that membership of a society offered and holding myself back from getting too involved (I tend to volunteer myself for committees ... to the point of getting elected as a Councillor in 2008 when I was just supposed to be helping out on the campaign). I now rush down to SAG on the occasional lunch break and have made it there one Saturday for almost two hours - and I found some very valuable information I am not able to access online or in a library.

And now I am going to my first conference - the 29th Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies.

Will you be there? I would love to meet some of my fellow Trove Tuesday bloggers, and other GeneaBloggers, as well as any blog lurkers (I'm good at lurking - I should write more comments to encourage my fellow bloggers instead of just reading your posts, thinking "Wow, what an excellent post/find/story", and then moving on).