April A to Z Challenge – The Q-Words of Genealogy

Sheridan, Thomas. (1780). A General Dictionary of the English Language London: For J. Dodsley, Pall Mall; C. Dilly, In the Poultry; and J. Wilkie, St Paul's Churchyard. Retrieved from http://books.google.com

Genealogy is effectively a pursuit dominated by Q-words…

Sheridan, Thomas. (1780). A General Dictionary of the English Language London: For J. Dodsley, Pall Mall; C. Dilly, In the Poultry; and J. Wilkie, St Paul's Churchyard. Retrieved from http://books.google.com

It seems that on our QUEST to QUERY our ancestors’ pasts, we are often left with a QUANDARY. We ask so many QUESTIONS – of people, of documents, of ourselves. And sometimes our QUEST (especially when it seems easier to QUIT) sends us to QUAFF.  

Sheridan, Thomas. (1780). A General Dictionary of the English Language London: For J. Dodsley, Pall Mall; C. Dilly, In the Poultry; and J. Wilkie, St Paul's Churchyard. Retrieved from http://books.google.com
 A luxurious drink anyone?
I'll take a Kinloch Bling, complete with gold leaf floating on top.

And best of all, I am now going to describe myself as a QUESTRIST – a seeker and pursuer (of ancestors).

Sheridan, Thomas. (1780). A General Dictionary of the English Language London: For J. Dodsley, Pall Mall; C. Dilly, In the Poultry; and J. Wilkie, St Paul's Churchyard. Retrieved from http://books.google.com

Can you tell I love reading old dictionaries?

Thanks to +Chloe Okoli for a chat on Twitter that inspired this post when I was wondering what on earth to write for "Q".

This is a post for the April A-Z Challenge. This Challenge will cover each letter of the alphabet, one per day (except Sundays) for the month of April. I didn't register my blog with the organisers, but I'm going to follow along anyway. You can too! See www.a-zchallenge.com for more information.
